Friday, January 30, 2009

I'm having an anxiety attack

Maybe I'm the only one who is even thinking about this right now, but all these things that we make and this portfolio that we are putting together are inevitably going to need to go into something that can be transported... which leads me to the question:

What do professionals carry into interviews?
Honestly, my suitcase is going to look pretty silly (and it's darn heavy). I can't imagine hoisting that around the city.

If you go on a plane do you check it or do you try to sneak it past the stewards and jam it into the overhead compartment. What will happen to your package design when the lady who is trying to sneak four unchecked bags onto the flight crams three of her bags into the overhead because the stewardess is coming close to her and she figures if she just gets them out of sight the flight attendant won't charge her the $45 she should pay for the domestic flight?

Or do you risk the postal service (sorry Brian).

If you're going to be interviewing in a walking based city do you get a portfolio that has wheels... But then you look like one of those small children who's teachers give them so much homework that the doctors have advised their parents not to let them actually carry their BACKpacks on their backs.

How many bags should you be bringing in anyways? .. portfolio case... laptop bag (just in case you have to show a motion piece) .. purse..
If not the purse then where do you put the your girly junk that somehow seems necessary for the travel to the location? Do you find a way to fit the laptop in the portfolio case?
Again, it's the suitcase problem.. you don't want to seem like you're moving in with them.

Then the business card!

Do you get a business card holder so that you don't mess up your $500 print job in your wallet... but what does your business card holder say about you when you pull it out?

Would I be narcissistic enough to brand even my business card holder? Isn't there a point at which you're trying too hard.
Or do you get one of those American Psycho "I'm really into being professional" pissing contest gold plated cases?
Would you go all 15 year old Hot Topic cigarette case and just wear your JNCOs into the interview?

I'm utterly ridiculous... and I'm having a neck spasm...

KAUTE! or however Linda spells it...

Yuri showed me this video today!


This is a little jacked as far as the pacing. But it works better as a swf.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Friday, January 23, 2009

Friday, January 16, 2009

Title Sequences

I think some people are doing title sequences for their personal voice projects (either for Stan or Paige). I put two links on my "Outside Links" section that are supposed to be completely devoted to title sequences.

From them I learned that

Shadowplay Studio in L.A. did both the Juno and Thank You For Smoking title sequences.


Thank You For Smoking

Cadbury Touch Up

Thursday, January 15, 2009

On Air Looks

CNN International



Cinemax South America


Cinemax US

BFA Invitation Series


Tuesday, January 13, 2009

SCAD is hosting an event

Yeah I don't really care about the event, but these colors really hurt my head!