Sunday, September 30, 2007

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Technical Question

Do any of you know a good way to skew type into perspective without having to distort it as much as I'm doing.

Or do you think the distortion is okay here?

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

I don't have anymore boards to mount these to, so I have to play the grade where it lies.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Sites to check out.


To me, this style of layering seems definitive of the "it" style now. Plus some '80s retro.


Free fonts.


Espira is Frida Kahlo, Haute Couture, and Politics. Gorgeous.

Fashion [turn it to the left]

Pictures from


Vera Wang - early-twentieth-century Russia

Marc Jacobs- Edward Hooper

Louis Vuitton [Marc Jacobs]- Johannes Vermeer

Saturday, September 22, 2007

BFA ideas

It is thrilling and scary to work on something where they say "whatever you think of just show us something." It's an art exhibition but they have no idea what will be in it until the middle of november, but this invitation is due to the printer at the beginning of november.

These are going to be 5 X 7, so more intimate than a poster.

Are these Legible?

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Attempting to look unified

But now my logo sticks out like a sore thumb.

I am one of those people who listens to every director's commentary on my favorite DVDs, the other day I listened to Little Miss Sunshine's for the first time. When they were talking about this opening sequence they said that Steve Carell looked so sad in this opening they decided to put the title over his face as way to signify quirkiness or something is going to be a little bit irreverent about this movie. When they said that I remembered that when I first saw the movie the title came stair-stepping across his face and it did make me laugh. Lesson learned: placement can give you incite and set a mood separate from the one a visual gives.

Another Question

I just filled up my computer's memory so I'm sure I'm at the point where I need an external hard drive. Do any of you guys have opinions on which ones you think are good deals or hassle-free?

[oatmeal should always be eaten warm.. eck!]

Feedback, Please!

Do any of these speak to you?


Wednesday, September 19, 2007

I am a complete bibliophile. I just got home because I was in the library for so long. So while thumbing through Paula Sher's "Make it Bigger," I saw a piece she did entitled Great Beginnings. It is a small booklet that she made to send out to potential employers [self promotional] that incorporated the beginnings of famous books in the type style popular at the time of it's publication. Like Faust in Blackletter and the Metamorphosis in a futurist's style.

It was one of those moments where I thought gosh why didn't I think of that first? And then realized I was like four when she made that so I can only wish that she hadn't thought of it and then I would have thought of it first. It is a project I would have a lot of fun doing because the content is so meaningful to me.

Anyways, check it out "Make it Bigger" by Paula Sher. She also did the logo for Citi Bank and she does interesting stuff with every style of font.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Love Love Love

If you've seen Billy Elliot (which has an amazing display of hideously wonderful wallpaper) this is the end:

The man playing this swan really is the principle in Matthew Bourne's Swan Lake. Here is one of the glorious pas from the work:

Monday, September 17, 2007

Saturday, September 15, 2007

I went to a great antique shop today here's my favorite shot:

Friday, September 14, 2007

I'm far beyond knowing what's good anymore, but the colors of the plaid make the logo less intimidating.

I was playing with type as texture for the poster, but every time I open this file my computer nearly crashes. I don't know if I am going to use it. I want to put color in it, but every tiny change I make takes five minutes to load. I just don't know if I'll have time to get it the way I want with that issue.

The plaid is made out of all the disciplines typed out.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

I'm digging this stuff.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Andrew just let me in on some information. If you save your files as a png the blogspot has less of a problem displaying it. I shall put this to the test next.

Design for Breakfast (and simple harvest)

On my computer this has words. I really can't appreciate the subtleties of this blog site.

I don't have a W stamp, so the W now is just a placeholder. Is this something worth working further?
How much is too much? If you highlight everything is nothing significant?

What I'm watching right now.

Some people are "over" infographics, but this felt so unexpected to me when I saw it in theaters.

Monday, September 10, 2007

No love for the pigeon

I expected as much.

But here's some love for Lily Cole (it's my desktop).

Finally, something I like!


Everyone jokes about the pigeons.

None of the work I've done on my earlier logos have come out well. I've abandoned it for a while.

Maybe it was just my frustration, but I started scribbling all over the page and decided I'll work with that.

Thursday, September 6, 2007


While doing research I came across this image and I keep thinking about it.

It is a poster by Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec "advertising the serialized publication in Le Martin of the Abbe Faure's memoirs of confessions he had heard at the foot of the guillotine, 1983. Paris, Musee des Arts Decoratifs"

From The Poster in History by Max Gallo.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

I received my new ID magazine today and they featured a Maryland Institute College of Art's new logo.

I think they got the idea for it from the lines of their building.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Work on Logo

Alright, both of these images are supposed to be completely full, but I don't know what's going on.